Study Abroad

CAS Asian Studies Winter/Spring Study Abroad 2023 Grants 

Grants are now available. Apply through October 21, 2022.
Funding limit is up to $2000

For an application, click here...
The College of Arts & Sciences Asian Studies program has grant funds available to support students in credit-bearing study abroad experiences. Students are required for the Asian Studies major and encouraged for the minor to spend a summer, semester, or year in an approved study program in China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, South Asia, or the Pacific. Students who wish to study abroad, and who wish to have the academic work taken in that program count toward a Lehigh degree, must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher for the semester/year and 2.0 (in good standing) for short-term programs. Any student with a lower GPA may petition the Committee on the Standing of Students for an exception to this rule before applying to an approved study abroad program. For information on all programs consult Study Abroad Office, 610-758-3351 or
Tiger's Nest Monastery - Kingdom of Bhutan